The Empire State Plaza Convention Center provides one of the ‘Premier Venues’ for Celebrations and Special Events through out the Capital District and surrounding region. This past Saturday evening, We Do Fondue-Chocolate Fountain Rentals was pleased to provide our services adding an excitment, fun and delicious dimention to the Guilderland High School Jr Prom Celebration. We will be returning to the EGG this Thursday evening toparticipate in the festivities for the Albany Law School Graduation Party!
No matter where we provide Fountain Services, from backyard parties to weddings, sweet 16 events to mitzvahs, 1st communion celebrations to graduation parties….whatever….Each and every event demands our total, personal attention and focus. We are driven to exceed every client’s expectations at all levels of performance. Our mission is to maximize smiles, fun and enjoyment at every single event that we are fortunate enough to serve!
This response from Guilderland High Schools JR Prome 2012 event coordinator, makes it ALL WORTH WHILE. (May 8th 2012)
It was unanimous……they loved you! I think it was the hit of the night. Thank you so much for not only providing a wonderful service but being a pleasure to work with.”
We are absolutely committed to providing the best service we can, everytime we are given an opportunity!
Hope to see you at an event as the Summer rolls in.